Ship on the water May 8, 2015 - LCMS received official notification from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) that it has been selected for a 2015 Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMTech) award. Under the award, valued at $500,000, LCMS will work in collaboration with LSU and the National Center for Advanced Manufacturing (NCAM) in New Orleans, to create the Center for Accelerated Development of Large-Scale Structures (CADLSS).

Through use of the AMTech funds over the next two years, LCMS will create the CADLSS consortium of stakeholders from aerospace, shipbuilding and ground transportation sectors to address common challenges in design and manufacturing. CADLSS will develop technology roadmaps and advance technologies and accelerate development processes to enable the U.S. to maintain leadership in aerospace manufacturing, to compete effectively in ground-vehicle manufacturing and to create new markets and gain market share in shipbuilding.

LCMS anticipates that the CADLSS effort will expand use of assets offered through NCAM, a partnership between NASA and LSU. Both large and small corporations, academic institutions and government agencies will collaborate to focus on tools to support an end-to-end, integrated product-realization environment, with emphasis on virtual product development and on modeling and simulation.

CADLSS is committed to the development of a dynamic alliance of industry, academia, and government—guided by industry—that will define needs and opportunities, establish the business value and prioritize the needs, and create a collaborative consortium that will deliver monetized and measureable value to the participating companies.